So unless you've been living under a rock the past few days--or I guess if you're not a wrestling fan at all--you know that The Hardy Boyz are back in the WWE.
But they're not really "Broken," per se--especially Jeff, who's been full on re-creating his Team Extreme-style maneuvers and mannerisms.
See what I mean? 2001 all over again.
But if you watch his brother Matt in those gifs, he's playing his Broken character. Doing the "Delete" gesture, spreading his arms out with his eyes and mouth as wide as possible.
So that's interesting, and perhaps a good sign for those of ust that hope for the Broken Brilliance of House Hardy to make a full appearance in WWE.
However, if you watch this video of them after winning their titles at Mania, it doesn't look too promising:
See what I mean? That's not "Broken Matt Hardy." That's "Bruised Matt Hardy" AT BEST. Maybe "Hairline Fracture Matt Hardy," if you're being generous.
He's using all the catch phrases, but he's not fully committed to them at all. Disappointing.
And then, after defending those titles on Raw last night, they appeared on Raw Talk.
I don't know who that person is, but he's not Broken. If he was ever broken, he is now fully repaired and good as new.
But then, today, we got word from Matt via his Twitter that the Brokenness is just hibernating for now:
Perhaps, once the WWE's high powered lawyers have gotten through with the "Owl Men" and "the man who's fond of slapping nuts," we might see a relapse of Matt's CONDISHTION.
And we'll see if Brother Nero comes along for the ride.