Chad Gable has been called a special talent long before his WWE career. So special that his unique chemistry with American Alpha partner Jason Jordan may have saved Jordan's career.
Gable and Jordan clicked almost immediately, but it wasn't Jordan's first go of things in WWE developmental. Jordan had plugged away for nearly four years before finally finding something that worked for him. Just a year after their television debut as a team, teh duo appeared on WWE's main roster.
"It’s kind of interesting how lucky we got. He was there (in NXT) a few years before me, grinding away. We didn’t really develop a relationship for a while. He was in more advanced classes than me and then they came up with this idea to put us together. From moment one, it just clicked. We just got along and we share the same values and ideas. I think some of it comes from us both sharing backgrounds as amateur wrestlers, being competitive," Gable told Men's Journal in a new interview.
As you'll hear many successful tag teams say, being on the same wavelength is crucial aspect of making a successful team. After a run as NXT Tag Team Champions, the two are already well beyond that point.
"We just get it – we’re on the same page, no matter what it is. We try to describe it to people and it’s hard – we finish each other’s thoughts, when we’re on the road together, we’re on the same page – wanting to go work out, go eat, or go to the show. No matter what, we click. As a tag team, it doesn’t get much better than that," said Gable.
Gable also spoke about the debut of American Alpha on last week's Smackdown, and how important Daniel Bryan was to their introduction to the company.
“It’s kind of funny, we were really nervous about that, being exposed to this new audience," said Gable. "You hope you don’t come out through the curtain and hope you don’t hear crickets. We were standing back there and we heard the response and we were just so happy. The other thing is, when we got drafted, Daniel Bryan built us up and kind of made us sound like a big deal which was really helpful. The response that night was so positive — it made us feel comfortable as opposed to the nervousness that was there before. I would like to think that more and more people are watching NXT and people have the WWE Network so there’s more exposure there.”
You can see the full interview at this link.