Cody Rhodes spoke with before his spoken word show in Cork, Ireland. You can check out the full interview in the video above, they sent us these highlights:
Impact backstage environment:
"My experience was the utmost engine operating at peak efficiency. Billy [Corgan] and Dixie [Carter] were extremely wonderful. All had feedback, creative input. My experience from the time I went and filmed with the corvette in Nashville to when I left the tapings to come overseas was wonderful."
Working with Billy Corgan:
"I'm passed the concept of, Oh he's not a wrestler, he shouldn't be involved in wrestling. He is an entertainer and they fall in line. An entertainer with a ton of equity, worldwide experience, proven. It's Billy man, he's famous!, he's a rockstar!. I thought he was wonderful, great for pro wrestling. He had some music made for me and didn't know I wanted to use my other music. That was one of the hardest moments of perhaps my life. To see his face when I heard the music and know that I'm going to ask him to use my other music. Especially someone who is a musician. It's a moment frozen in time. Me and Billys' relationship I want to build off that moment to where we are good buds because that was a tough one!."
Leaving WWE:
"I did make every effort I possibly could. It just was a matter of, no faith in me at a certain juncture turns around well you know what I don't have faith in you guys either. But let's not end on such a sour note. It's rather dramatic and seems more sour than it really is. It't not, the Rhodes in WWE have a wonderful history. I'm glad they let me go, they are the house that built me and you never now I might be there again one day".