Would Jack Swagger ever go into MMA?
He was asked this in a recent interview with The Wrestling Estate. The accomplished amateur wrestler is considering a move into MMA, feeling that it's a natural transition after doing pro wrestling for so many years. He feels that the sky is the limit:
I’m considering going into MMA. Like I said earlier, combat sports is at an all-time high in popularity. I’m lucky that I still can go and have exposure outside of MMA. I’ve been training. I’m still trying to figure out the best route. I’m 100% serious about it because the reward that could come from it would be astronomical. Plus, it’s something I’ve done all my life. Maybe not MMA-totally, but it’s very similar to competing in wrestling, just with punches. It’s kind of a natural transition for me. When you leave WWE, you need to find a way to use that exposure for whatever you want. This would be a great way – I just have to learn to bob and weave a little bit, and don’t get tapped out. But I’m very excited about it. The sky is the limit and my body has never felt better, which is surprising at 35 and after 10 years of traveling.
Swagger, real name Jake Hager, was an accomplished amateur wrestler, being recruited into the University of Oklahoma as a two sport athlete in both football and wrestling, and later focused on the latter. In 2006 as a senior, he placed seventh in the NCAA championships and was named an All-American by the season's end. He joined the WWE later that year and made his television debut in 2008. He left the WWE earlier this year and has focused on independents since then.