You'll soon be experiencing Ring of Honor content in a whole new way very soon.
Ring Of Honor COO Joe Koff recently spoke to CBS Local Sports about the upcoming streaming service Ring of Honor is putting out. They tested it out during their Global Wars tour last month, and found success in being able to bring something like that to ROH fans on a more regular basis:
Yeah, we have an app coming out in the first quarter. It really became developmentally the right time to do it. We saw an opportunity. We had a long discussion about it. We looked at the business model and how it impacts our business. We just felt that this was the time to create our own Ring of Honor stream. You’re going to see an enhanced Honor Club. We tested it during the Global Wars Tour of streaming house shows to ringside members. You’re going to see a lot more content available, not only to everybody, but certainly in that Honor Club. [When we tested] streaming for two shows, our response was terrific from a quality standpoint and from an accessibility standpoint.
One question that was brought up was the future of pay-per-view events. Koff seems to go with the idea that they would go with both models going forward, but might eventually go with just the streaming model, much like the WWE Network or New Japan World:
Well we might continue both. I would like to migrate personally to stream model, because a lot of people are watching on those devices anyway. And the quality is so good. And you know a lot of those boxes are hooked up to big sets and smart TVs and stuff like that. I’m not ruling out traditional pay-per-views, but the world is going that way.
The ROH streaming service is set to launch in the first quarter of 2018.