There's one person Matt Riddle isn't too fond of -- his former employer, Dana White.
The ex-UFC and now professional wrestling star shared his thoughts on White in an interview with Sports Illustrated. He resents White for firing him for a second failed marijuana test despite having a 4 fight win streak at the time of his release.
“I am not the biggest fan of Dana White” said Riddle. “I didn’t like the way he handled my situation, especially considering the way he handled multiple other people differently.”
“Maybe he regrets the way he treated me, but then he looks at his back account” Riddle further added. “Dana White thought he was doing the right thing for himself, his friends, and his company. He has a hard time apologizing or admitting guilt, so I don’t think he feels bad whatsoever. I think he would do it again if he could.”
But at the end of the day, he can't hold grudges. His release from the UFC led him to an entirely new sport that he feels he's really good at -- pro wrestling.
“At this point, I don’t really care. You can’t go around carrying a grudge" he said. I’m in a completely new career with a completely different fan base, and it’s much better fit.”
Matt Riddle entered professional wrestling in 2015. He's wrestled all over the world since then, with his primary home being in EVOLVE, where he was the first WWN champion.