Uh oh. Here we ago again. Conor McGregor is back at it, calling out the WWE.
Given McGregor's flashy persona and colorful interviews, many expected the two to work with one another. In fact, multiple times throughout 2016, it was downright rumored that McGregor was either at WWE events or would appear.
During the UFC 202 media call Friday, McGregor called out WWE talents, saying "They're messed up pussies if you ask me. I mean, Brock at the end of the day, was juiced up to the fucking eyeballs. So how can I respect that?"
After a weekend full of controversy, the UFC's Featherweight Champion elaborated on his statements, saying he'd "slap the head off of the entire roster."
I didn't mean no disrespect to the @wwe fans. What I meant to say was that I'd slap the head off your entire roster. And twice on Sunday's.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) August 7, 2016
Former WWE Champion Roman Reigns took to Twitter to bite back at McGregor, as did several pro wrestlers. Reigns shot down McGregor based on his size and made a simple request.
Your the size of my leg. Shut up. https://t.co/fBVEdf8hE1
— Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) August 7, 2016