Matt Riddle says Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson deserved shaving cream on his head -- DESERVED IT!
On the seventh season of The Ultimate Fighter, Matt Riddle was on "Team Rampage." In one episode, Riddle is shown scraping shaving cream from his hand onto the head of a sleeping Jackson, who was angered by the prank when he woke up. On Fightful Wrestling's BROCAST, Riddle discussed the prank.
"Why did I prank Rampage? Because that bitch had it coming," said Riddle. "He was running his mouth, Rampage being Rampage. He came over to the house; dude came over and just passed out on the couch. So I'm like 'I'll just put some shaving cream on his head', no big deal. If you're going to come over and visit, how are you going to just sleep here," he continued.
Riddle said the broadcast did not show what happened after Rampage found out who put the shaving cream on his head.
"They didn't show this, he did punish me. He made me run on the treadmill for an outrageous amount of time. He had me running ten miles-per-hour, twelve miles-per-hour at the highest incline...The treadmill actually short circuited and Jeremy May restarted the breaker, he's like 'I got it coach.' I fucking hate Jeremy May. Everyone from that season of The Ultimate Fighter, ask them about Jeremy May. Nobody likes him. He was such a douche," said Riddle.
He went on to call Jeremy May "the biggest douche ever." May last fought in 2015, but never made it to UFC. Riddle and podcast host Sean Ross Sapp also talked about Riddle's upcoming schedule which includes Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and a tour of Europe.
Riddle appears on Thursdays on Fightful Wrestling's BROCAST, which is immediately available with free membership.