The UFC has been growing its Performance Institute program and buildings for years.
What started as a single specialized Gym in Las Vegas now stretched as far as China. Now, the performance institute has released volume two of its journal that notably includes concussion protocols for injured athletes.
The journal is fortunately available to all who are interested right here. Over 400 plus pages of information, the journal encapsulates all things about MMA. The performance institute describes the journal as "A Cross-sectional performance analysis and projection of the UFC athlete."
MMAMania broke down the concussion protocol wonderfully:
"The protocol is similar to the NFL’s protocol and relies on a SCAT5 concussion assessment tool to evaluate the severity of a concussion and the timeline for recovery. Not only is the step-by-step method of safely resuming training laid out for anyone who has the interest in reading into it, UFC Performance Institute has also included a massive amount of stats on past fighter SCAT5 scores and symptom severity."
UFC Performance Instititue's new cross sectional performance analysis doc is a pretty fascinating breakdown of MMA fighting.
— MMA mania (@mmamania) May 4, 2021
The UFC's Performance Institute program continues to broaden its horizon and goals, as proven by this large undertaking.
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