Max Griffin nearly severed Ramiz Brahimaj's ear off in round three of their clash at UFC Vegas 13.
This video is so gnarly the UFC stopped replaying it on the live broadcast. Griffin was arguably ahead two rounds to nothing at UFC Vegas 13. Partway through the third, Griffin backed his opponent to the fence and landed an elbow that nearly tore Brahimaj's ear off. The referee quickly spotted the partly-severed ear and called a stop to the fight.
Proceed below with caution. The footage may be uncomfortable for some viewers.
“So you want to be a fucking fighter?” #UFCVegas13
— Lucas Grandsire (@GrandsireMMA) November 8, 2020
WOW oreja caída @elrocktagono #UFCVegas13 MAX GRIFFIN
— El Neto (@puchungo76) November 8, 2020
— Quinto Round MMA (@QuintoRoundMMA) November 8, 2020
Una pelea donde Griffin dominó de manera prolija el combate, un codazo destrozó la oreja de Brahimaj y se detuvo el combate en el 3R. Violento
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