The wife of WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross was involved in a near fatal auto accident on Monday night, and Ross now has said that she is "being kept alive via life support equipment."
JR first Tweeted out the news early Tuesday morning.
Ross told TMZ that Jan was on her way back from the gym near their Norman, Oklahoma home, was not wearing her helmet at the time of the crash, and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. He said that the situation was "touch and go."
Now TMZ is reporting new details that begin to shed a light on precisely what happened that night. Officers in the Norman Police Department told them that Jan was on her Vespa motor-scooter at 9:33 pm Monday night when she was rear-ended hard by a 2000 Mercury Grand Marquis, driven by a 17-year-old male. Both vehicles actually caught fire, but the teen male driver of the Mercury walked away with no injuries. Police made sure to note that the accident was being investigated for possible criminality.
Ross posted this Tweet in thanks for the messages of positivity and prayer he's been receiving since the accident.
He also wrote about his wife on his blog:
Jan and I started seeing each other in my WCW days and she remained steadfast at my side during my 21 year WWE run, of which she dearly loved and always felt like we were a member of a family there, no matter the various challenges that confronted us along the way including my three bouts with Bells palsy. She never wavered.
Jan and I had memorable success together when I was managing WWE's Talent Relations Department. We were a team in WWE. I was a "coach" and Jan was the best coach's wife ever. She loved the talents and their spouses, invited them into our home, cooked for them and even did some of their laundry that they would bring over. Some of the Attitude Era's biggest stars were made to feel welcome in our home over the years thanks to my wife.
She helped me battle thru multiple bouts of depression as a result of the multiple, Bells palsy attacks, my dependence on Ambian, and nursed me to back health after serious, colon surgery that threatened my life and she never complained one time.
This woman loves me more than I'll ever deserve and simply knowing her has enriched my life to levels that I can never repay.
He added: "I will fully admit that there has been no experience in my life that could have prepared me for this life changing week. To see one's life partner and love of one's life being kept alive via life support equipment is tragically heartbreaking. ... We hope that the swelling of Jan's brain will subside soon as it must for her to survive. It's that simple." He says that Jan is "fighting for all she's worth to save her life."
He finished by saying "My wife would be so moved to know how many of you are praying for her. This update has been written through many tears and shaky hands but please know that your support and love for Jan, and me, is both comforting and appreciated."
Members of the WWE family have been posting messages of support.
And in the video at the top of the page, Big Show is informed of the accident by TMZ Sports. Show said that Ross has his hopes and prayers and mentioned that "they've been very kind to me over the years." He said that the situation was "very sad." But Show also said "(WWE has) a very strong family community so I'm sure all of us are definitely behind him and her."