Joel Pearl (@JoelPearl) and Cresta Starr (@CrestaTheeStarr) review IMPACT Wrestling Over Drive for November 18, 2022.
- Kenny King vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Jason Hotch vs. Speedball Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann
- Tag Title #1 Contendership Match: MCMG vs. Ace of Beys
- X-DIVISION TITLE: Trey Miguel vs. Black Taurus
- TAG TITLES: Major Players vs. Heath & Rhino
- KNOCKOUTS TAG TITLES: Death Dollz vs. Savannah Evans & Tasha Steelz
- TABLES MATCH: Moose vs. Bully Ray
- LAST RODEO: Mickie James vs. Taylor Wilde
- KNOCKOUTS WORLD TITLE - LAST WOMAN STANDING: Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich
- IMPACT WORLD TITLE: Josh Alexander vs. Frankie Kazarian
- Your Questions!