Kate (@MissKatefabe) and Astrid (@astridpizarro) review tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel (@JoelPearl) and Cresta (@CrestaTheeStarR) bring you tonight’s TNA post show:
- ROH Women’s World TV Championship Proving Ground Match: Billie Starkz vs. Dream Girl Ellie
- Ashley D’Amboise vs. Kiera Hogan - Griff Garrison & Cole Karter vs. Angelico & Serpentico
- Taya Valkyria, Diamante, & Mercedes Martinez vs. Leyla Hirsch, Lady Frost, Abadon
- Zicky Dice vs. Anthony Ogogo
- Lance Archer & The Righteous in action
- ABC vs. Speedball Mountain
- The Rascalz vs. Jake Something & Cody Deaner
- AJ Francis & Rich Swann vs. The FBI
- Jonathan Gresham in action
-The System Championship Celebration