Kate (@MissKatefabe) and SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) review tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel (@JoelPearl) brings you tonight’s TNA post show:
-Lee Moriarty vs. Preston Vance for the ROH Pure Title
-Johnny TV vs. Komander
-Tony Deppen vs. Action Andretti
-Athena and Billie Starkz in action
-Brian Cage in action
-Abadon in action
-Zachary Wentz & ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. Leon Slater, Kushida & Mike Bailey
-Jonathan Gresham vs. Laredo Kid
-Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace & Mystery NXT Superstar
-The winner faces Nic Nemeth for TNA World Title at TNA Bound For Glory 2024: Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian
-Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside
-Lei Ying Lee (formerly Xia Li) makes her debut
-Josh Alexander speaks