Kate (@MissKatefabe) and Reg (@RighteousReg) discuss tonight's episode of Ring Of Honor followed by Joel (@JoelPearl) and Chris G (@TruHeelChrisG) bringing you tonight's IMPACT review!
ROH Rundown:
- Athena vs. Willow Nightingale for the ROH Women's World Championship
- Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. Marcus Cross, Cody Chhun, & Guillermo Rosas
- Aussie Open vs. Rhett Titus & Tracy "Hot Sauce" Williams
- Samoa Joe vs. Tony Deppen
- Wheeler Yuta vs. Timothy Thatcher for the ROH Pure Championship
- Angelico & Serpentico vs. RUSH & Dralistico
- Eddie Kingston vs. Ben Dejo
- Trish Adora vs. Billie Starkz
- Jake Crist & Man Scout Jake Manning vs. Ari Davari & Slim J
IMPACT Rundown:
- Mickie James vs. Gisele Shaw for the Impact Knockouts Championship
- Sami Callihan vs. Rhino
- Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA
- BTI: Frankie Kazarian & Rich Swann vs. Raj Singh & Shera