Kate (@MissKatefabe) and SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) review tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel (@JoelPearl) and Cresta (@CrestaTheeStarr) bring you tonight’s TNA post show:
-Mark Briscoe vs. The Beast Mortos for the ROH Championship
-Dustin Rhodes, Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich, and Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver in an eight-man tag match
-Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, and Brian Cage vs. Atlantis Jr., Serpentico, and Fuego Del Sol
-Aaron Solo vs. Angelico in a Pure Rules match
-EJ Nduka in action
-Trish Adora in action
-Komander in action
-MxM Collection in action
TNA Impact:
-Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy vs. Moose and JDC
-Matt Cardona, Steph De Lander, and a mystery partner vs. PCO, Rhino, and Xia Brookside
-Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida vs. Hammerstone in an Ultimate X qualifier
-Laredo Kid vs. Bhupinder Gujar vs. Jai Vidal in an Ultimate X qualifier
-Rosemary vs. Alisha Edwards
-Jonathan Gresham vs. Charlie Dempsey