The phrase "50/50 booking" has become a topic in recent years and how it is a big reason a lot of wrestlers in WWE are not bigger stars than they already become, according to some fans. Well, Triple H said that those people are wrong.
The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion current WWE executive member spoke to's new WWE page on a variety of topics, including '50/50 booking.' He doesn't believe that the term holds any relevancy.
"It's just a term somebody came up with," Triple H said. "It's just terms that people throw out there."
Triple H got very defensive about the booking within WWE and said that they are doing very well, despite all the naysayers saying otherwise. He said that the company just had the biggest WrestleMania in the company's history and that fans do not know about the complexities that come with running WWE.
"When somebody goes, 'Well, you just can't get people over with 50/50 booking,' [I'll always say] 'Oh, I'm sorry, how's your territory coming? Because this one seems to be doing pretty good over here,'" Triple H said. "We just had the largest WrestleMania in history. People talk a lot of smack about ratings and things, but they don't understand all of the dynamics of everything we do. They don't. They sit on the internet and they read one thing and they give their point of view."
It's worth noting that Stone Cold Steve Austin and Jim Ross both use the term on their podcasts frequently.
The full interview, which also covers topics such as the validity of enhancement matches and character development, can be read here.