The World's Largest Athlete stands up to the rampaging Monster Among Men in a colossal Raw main event.
During Monday's episode of Monday Night Raw, Braun Strowman and Big Show did battle. Many noticed WWE were using an old ring, without LED boards or new ring posts. The two subsequently tore the house down.
After about twelve minutes, former WCW, WWE, ECW and World Heavyweight Champion Big Show was superplexed into the ring by Strowman, which caused the ring to collapse. Referee John Cone also took a nasty spill outside the ring, which you can see above.
You can see an excerpt from Fightful's live coverage and discussion below.
Braun Strowman vs. The Big Show
Braun goes straight for Show before they even get into the ring. Braun throws Show into the barricade, Braun gets thrown into the steel steps by Show, then Show throws him into the barricade. Show then gets Braun into the ring and the match is officially begun. Braun gets tossed over the top rope and then kick to Braun outside. Show goes outside the ring and puts Braun into the steps again. Show tries to drag Braun back in the ring. Huge dropkick from Braun to Show. Big Show goes down and now Braun has the advantage. They go back and forth working on each other's arms. Braun's agility is tremendous. Arm drag by Braun and Show is struggling. Show gets back up and the two deliver blows back and forth. Both try to deliver powerslams and neither have had luck yet. Finally Show gets enough strength to slam Braun. Show goes for chokeslam, is blocked and then Braun suplexes Show! These giants are going to war in the ring. Strowman headbutts Big Show, then a kick to the ribs, taunts the Big Show by stepping on him and flexing. Forearm to the jaw by Braun. Big Show is getting chants from the crowd. Big Show finally gets up and throws Braun into turnbuckle and then splashes him. Show places Braun on top rope. how goes to second rope, Braun delivers punches, Braun jumps off turnbuckle at Show and gets caught in a chokeslam! Cover and kick out by Braun. Both men are back up, Show looking for knockout punch, slam by Braun, cover and Show kicks out! What will it take for one of them to stay down for the count? Braun goes to the turnbuckle, Show meets him there, headbutt by Show, Show gets on top rope, punches by Braun, Show lands on the ropes on his groin, Show is down in the ring and Strowman is still on turnbuckle. He gets on the second rope, jumps towards Show and gets caught with a Knockout Punch. Cover and kickout! Braun kicked out! Show goes to the turnbuckle is on second rope, Strowman meets him on second rope, suplex of turnbuckle to Show, the ring collapsed! The ring is dead!!! Holy s***!! The ref went flying! Strowman is back on his feet and yells in victory! No one can stop Braun! "Everyone will fall!"
You can check out our full coverage at this link.