Former UFC and Bellator MMA fighter War Machine was recently found guilty on 29 of the 34 charges levied against him for assaulting ex-girlfriend Christy Mack and a friend.
Some of the charges that Machine was found guilty of include multiple counts of sexual assault, battery and a host of domestic violence related matters. A life sentence could be given to Machine when he faces sentencing, which should be coming within the next few weeks.
Despite all of this, Machine was allowed to post a long statement via Twitter, which he asked Mack and a host of others for forgiveness for the heinous actions of his past.
Here is the full statement from Machine:
"Oh, I knew I had it comin', I knew I couldn't be free..." -Johnny Cash
“Well, that didn't go very well, now did it? Would you believe me, though, if I said that I have nothing but joy inside, even now as I am sure to receive some type of life sentence? It's true. Often times I have heard men in neighboring cells go to their cells and cry after receiving such news, but how can I? How can I cry tears of sorrow over the circumstances responsible for saving my soul? These circumstances are what has transformed me into a real man, how can I disrespect god by weeping over them? How much is a soul worth? Is a life sentence too high a price? Not at all, I gladly trade this false life in for the real one to come; I have been nothing but blessed by all of this. Now, if only I could somehow receive Christy's forgiveness... And if only I could one day hear that she too had been saved! That would remove every last bit of tarnish from this tragedy. CHRISTY: I am sorry for the man that I was, I am sorry for hurting you. One day, when enough time has passed, and when your wounds are fully healed, I hope that you will write to me, or, perhaps, even visit me, so that I can apologize completely, and so that I can tell you about all that I have found in regard to god. He is real and can heal and complete you deep inside, if only you knew the full extent to which he had healed me... I will never cease to pray for you. MELISSA & SHANNAH: You have been the best sisters a guy could ever ask for, I love you two so much. BRANDON: You have gone far above and beyond the call of duty as a friend, I'm still in awe of all you have done. STACI: Thank you for your service to god, without you I may never have been found. PHIL: Thakk you for your presence at court, sorry for failing you as a protege. HERMAN: Sorry for failing you as a mentor, you have grown into a good man, I am proud of you. JULIA: You have been a true gift from god, if only... And to the rest of my loved ones: Never worry about me, I am at peace, I am alive and happy for the first time in my life.
Machine finished his MMA career with a record of 14-5-0, with his last fight being a loss to Ron Keslar by submission at Bellator 104.