The "Ric Flair chop" is one often emulated, and rarely duplicated in reaction. The "woo" chant it garners cant get a crowd going if used properly.
For the filming of Flair's 30 for 30 documentary, Rory Karpf offered to take a chop from Flair himself for the sake of research. When appearing on Sean Waltman's X-Pac 12360 Podcast, Karpf broke down the process of experiencing the legendary knife-edged chop.
"Him (Flair) just getting in the wrestling ring was pretty crazy. We had a wrestler show up, an independent wrestler a really nice guy but Ric didn't want to get in the ring with him and he was like, "No man. I don't like his physique.You got to get a better guy." We just need a body you're not even going to see it. So he's like, "You get in the ring." And he chopped me and I mean man it was like orgasmic. I mean this was like the top three moments of my life getting chopped by Ric Flair but you know he is almost like teaching me. Throwing punches and he was kicking me and he was saying, "No you got to put your head down, you got to do this." Its like once he stepped in the ring he became like this different person. A totally different person like a teacher almost."
The documentary released in late 2017, and gained significant publicity following the health scares that Ric Flair experienced last year that almost led to his death.
You can check out the full podcast from Waltman at this link.