Adam Cole bests Chris Jericho.
Adam Cole got his revenge on Chris Jericho, beating Jericho to the point of forcing referee Aubrey Edwards to stopping the bout. Cole had a chain wrapped around his fist and mounted Jericho, punching him until Jericho was unconscious and unable to defend himself.
The bout was an unsanctioned match.
Cole hit Jericho with back-to-back Boom knees before mounting and punching Jericho.
Jericho grabbed a kendo stick at one point in the match and was going to use it against Cole, but Britt Baker ran down and walloped Jericho with a kendo stick of her own, getting some revenge for herself and Cole. Saraya tried to get involved, and she was battered with the kendo stick by Baker as well.
Sabu, who was billed as the special enforcer, was on the side of Cole and went after members of the Jericho Appreciation Society. Sabu got into a chair battle with Jericho and then put Angelo Parker through a table with a dive from the top and to the outside.
Meanwhile, SABU is happening! #AEWDoN #AEWDoubleOrNothing
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 29, 2023
.@RealBrittBaker came to dish out some unsanctioned violence!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 29, 2023
Order #AEWDoN LIVE on PPV right now!
Chain match in the middle of this #UnsanctionedMatch@IAmJericho @AdamColePro
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 29, 2023
Order #AEWDoN LIVE on PPV right now!
Panama Sunrise from @AdamColePro! #AEWDoN #AEWDoubleOrNothing
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 29, 2023
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