Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- AEW Commentator Jim Ross begins tonight's AEW Dynamite telecast saying, "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means." Ross then welcomes the viewer to Boston University before introducing his colleagues Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. The show is coming to us live from the Agganis Arena. Next, Schiavone and Excalibur begin going over tonight's card.
CM Punk vs. Bobby Fish
CM Punk is out first to an as-expected loud crowd reaction. Bobby Fish is out next, and the commentators mention that today is Bobby Fish's birthday today and CM Punk's yesterday. Finally, the bell rings, and Punk goes in for the tie-up; however, Fish backs away and flexes.
Punk takes Fish against the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle; Punk goes for the quick pin, but barely a one-count. Fish and Punk are now exchanging knees in the corner. Punk has Bobby Fish in a chin lock; he releases it and hits Bobby Fish with multiple scoop and slams. Punk goes to end it early with the GTS, and Fish grabs the ropes.
Bobby Fish drops a knee on top of Punk and hits a quick lateral press. Fish has Punk in a headlock; Punk gets out of it and then knocks Fish out of the ring. CM Punk hits Bobby Fish with the tope suicida, and Fish crashes into the barricade.
Fish is up quickly, and he waits for CM Punk to approach and sweeps out the left leg of CM Punk. Fish hits Punk with a quick suplex and then nails CM Punk with a quick inverted screw not once but twice. The fight goes outside the ring, and both competitors begin exchanging strikes ranging from punches and knees. CM Punk is selling an injured leg; Bobby Fish continues to work on the leg.
Bobby Fish now lifts Punk and puts him on top of the turnbuckle; Punk and Fish are now exchanging strikes again. Punk knocks Fish off the ropes, and Punk then goes for an elbow drop and hits it. Justin Roberts in the background says they have ten minutes left in the match. Fish and Punk are both are on their knees and exchanging punches. Bobby Fish kicks CM Punk in the leg hard; however, Punk is up quickly, and he hits Fish with a swinging neckbreaker, a rising knee strike, and a short-arm clothesline. Punk goes for the cover; however, Fish kicks out. Punk goes for the GTS, Fish counters, and hits Punk with another inverted dragon screw. Punk hits the GTS this time and pins Fish for the win. Fish kicked out, but it was a little too late. CM Punk celebrates his first victory on AEW Dynamite.
Winner: CM Punk
- Malakai Black cuts a promo about how The Nightmare Family lost faith in Cody Rhodes; Malakai says, "it wasn't about pinfalls and that the house always wins" and walks away.
MJF (w/ Wardlow and Shawn Spears) vs. Bryce Donovan
MJF sends Bryce Donovan over to the ropes, hits the Pendulum piledriver right away, and pins Donovan for the quick win. MJF then cuts a promo and talks about how he wants to avoid fat Boston women. He then says Boston accents are disgusting. MJF starts insulting Darby Allin and says Allin "is too scared to show up to work now."
The screen appears dark, and they show a video in which we see Darby attack someone at a concert. Sting is in the ring, the lights come back on, and Sting attacks Wardlow and Shawn Spears. MJF retreats and is outside the ring, and Allin is in the crowd; MJF runs away again. MJF then attacks Spears. Before they head out for a commercial break, Darby Allin challenges MJF to a match at Full Gear.
Winner: MJF (w/ Wardlow and Shawn Spears)
- Tony Schiavone is backstage and interviews Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. Tony informs Baker that she will have to face Abadon since she walked out on her match on the Chris Jericho Cruise.
TNT Championship Match
Ethan Page vs. Sammy Guevara (C)
The match begins with Sammy Guevara running down to the ring and attacking Ethan Page right away. Guevara then sends Page to the outside. Guevara hits Page with a big dive over the top rope. The bell has yet to ring as Guevara continues beating down Page. Finally, Sammy Guevara gets Ethan Page in the ring, and the bell rings.
Sammy Guevara and Ethan Page begin countering each move. Guevara nails Page with a heavy chop then follows it up with a kick to the middle of the back. We then see Tony Neese sitting ringside watching the match. Guevara is still in complete control as he punishes Page with numerous punches. Guevara nails Page with a short superkick of sorts. Guevara goes to the top rope; Page knocks him down quickly. Page continues the attack; Page lifts Guevara and hits Guevara with a backbreaker on the top turnbuckle.
We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Ethan Page in control. Page admires his strength as Guevara lays motionless on the mat. We return from the break, and Page is punishing Guevara with some forearms. Guevara makes a comeback and hits Page with two lariats and an Enzuigiri. Guevara hits Page with a springboard stunner, Guevara hits Page with a Spanish Fly. Guevara goes for the cover, and Page kicks out at two. Page rolls to the outside of the ring to recover; Guevara goes after him and hits Page with a shooting star press to the outside and lands it. Guevara rolls Page back into the ring; Page gets some offense in. Page slams Guevara down hard, Page goes to the top rope, and Guevara meets him there real quick. Ethan Page then slams Guevara down and then hits Guevara with a massive shoulder tackle.
Ethan Page appears to be going for the Avalanche Falcon Arrow; Guevara counters it into a hurricanrana; Guevara then pins Page to get the win. After the match, Page attacks Guevara, and Scorpio Sky runs down to join in on the attack. However, the Inner Circle runs down to the ring for the save. Jericho has the microphone and tells Sky that he respects him because he's faced him twice and lost and then insults Page. Jericho then says that the five-on-five match against America's Top Team is official at Full Gear and will be a Minneapolis Street Fight.
Winner: Sammy Guevara
- Tony Schiavone is standing backstage and interviewing Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson. Kingston says he is a hard worker and not to talk about him unless you walked a mile in his shoes. Danielson says that's the Eddie Kingston that Bryan wanted to see. Danielson says that Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley are two of the toughest wrestlers he's been in the ring with, and this Friday, he will beat Kingston.
- The Lucha Bros. challenge FTR to a Tag-Team Championship match at Full Gear.
TBS Women's Championship First Round Tournament Match
Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb
The bell rings, and Hikaru Shida goes right at Serena Deeb; both competitors exchange strikes. Hikaru Shida takes control of the match at first. Serena Deeb goes outside of the ropes and begins working in Shida's leg.
Shida then pulls Deeb into the ring post face first. Shida grabs Deeb and hits a big suplex. AEW goes to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Deeb taking control. Deeb and Shida are exchanging strikes as we return from the break; Shida takes over, hits multiple hammer throws, and then hits Deeb with a rising knee strike. Next, Shida goes for the missile dropkick and hits it; Shida then hits Deeb with a vertical suplex.
Shida goes for the pin; Deeb kicks out at two, however. Deeb goes for the straightjacket, but Shida counters it, and Shida hits Deeb with a face-first body slam and then a rising knee strike. Shida goes for the pin, Deeb kicks out. Deeb gets sent out of the ropes and lands hard. Shida grabs a steel chair, and Deeb walks away. Shida goes after Deeb and hits her with another missile dropkick.
Shida lands hard, and Deeb takes over. Deeb pulls the leg of Shida and puts on the figure-four by using the ring post. Deeb counters a rising knee strike into a half crab; Serena Deeb puts the inverted figure four leg lock on.
Deeb rakes the eyes of Shida; Deeb goes for the roll-up pin; however, Shida kicks out. Shida gets up and rolls up Deeb, and pins her for the big win. After the match, Deeb takes out the leg of Hikaru Shida and then begins attacking Shida's leg with a chair. We now get multiple referees and Jerry Lynn out now and telling Deeb to release the hold.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
- Lio Rush is backstage with Dante Martin and Tony Schiavone; Lio mentions that Mike Sydal is hurt, and because of that, his debut will wait. Rush then says that we will see Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal on AEW Rampage.
AEW Full Gear World Title Eliminator Tournament
"Ten" of The Dark Order vs. Jon Moxley
Ten is out first, and Jon Moxley is out second. Moxley makes his way to the ring, and Jon Moxley hits 10 with a release German suplex. Moxley goes for another German suplex, but Ten avoids him and pushes Moxley away. Ten and Moxley go to the outside of the ring, and Moxley attacks Ten and begins biting him. Moxley gets back into the ring, and Ten is bleeding badly.
Ten hits Moxley with a big back elbow, Ten backs away, which was a mistake as Moxley hits 10 with a lariat and then hits the Paradigm Shift. Moxley pins Ten and leaves the ring. Moxley will now face Orange Cassidy in the next round of the World Title Eliminator Tournament.
Winner: Jon Moxley
- FTR accepts the challenge and says they will go down as one of the greatest tag teams of all time after winning at Full Gear.
- Cody Rhodes makes his way ringside before heading to a commercial break. We return from the commercial break, and the Boston crowd is booing him heavily, and Rhodes says he hears them. Rhodes mentions that he almost used the Pedigree but decided not to because it would have been the "easy way out." Rhodes talks about his wife is too hot for him and that Dustin Rhodes is better than him bell-to-bell and a definite Hall of Famer. Rhodes says he won't pander, but he loves you guys (the fans) all his life. Cody apologizes to everyone in the Nightmare Family. Rhodes tells Arn Anderson it is a "damn honor to stand in the ring with him, and he apologizes."
Andrade Il Idolo interrupts Cody Rhodes and says that he has made some stupid choices, and first was that stupid tattoo, and the second mistake was getting into his business. Andrade comes out and says that he can make Cody his little bitch. The lights go out and turn back on, and Black sprays the black mist into the eyes of Cody Rhodes. Andrade and Malakai begin attacking Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson. PAC makes the save, and he gets Malakai Black and Andrade to retreat.
- Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross begin going over this Friday's AEW Rampage card, and then they announce that Cody Rhodes will face Andrade Il Idolo next week's AEW Dynamite.
The Dark Order (John Silver, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, and Stu Grayson) vs. The Elite (The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, and Kenny Omega) (w/ Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler)
The Dark Order makes their way to the ring; everyone's dressed in Halloween Costumes. The Elite comes out The Ghostbusters. The bell rings with John Silver and Adam Cole; Silver pushes Cole away twice. Silver comes back with a few kicks and a headbutt. Silver then hits Cole with a back body drop. Next, John Silver tags Evil Uno, and Uno hits Cole with a double ax handle.
Matt Jackson and Evil Uno are now the legal men, and Uno takes Jackson down with a shoulder tackle. The Dark Order each hit Matt Jackson with a lariat in the corner. Then, The Dark Order hits a triple slam. We go to the last commercial break of the evening with The Elite taking control of the match as they hit Stu Grayson with a flurry of offense.
The Young Bucks run the ropes and stop and kiss Adam Cole on the cheeks before kicking Stu Grayson. Grayson takes down Kenny Omega with a hurricanrana, and Grayson avoids a superkick. Grayson tags in Colt Cabana and Cabana clears the ring; Cabana sends Cole into the corner and hits Cole with a splash. Silver gets the hot tag, and Silver is on fire and takes everyone out of The Elite. However, John Silver has his back turned on The Elite too long, and The Young Bucks, Omega, and Cole hit the Superkick Party. They go for the pin; however, Grayson makes the save. There is so much action going on in the ring; Matt Jackson accidentally takes out Rick Knox.
The Elite hits each member of The Dark Order with a low blow. The Dark Order members are all in the middle of the ring. The Elite members all put on their proton backpacks. The Elite begin attacking someone dressed as a horse, and they remove the hood of the costume, and it's Brandon Cutler. Next, The Elite turn their attention to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and it's none other than "Hangman" Adam Page. The Hangman takes out Matt Jackson, and the rest of The Dark Order attacks The Elite. Page hits the Dead Eye, and Grayson pins Matt Jackson to win for The Dark Order.
Winner: The Dark Order