Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight's edition of AEW Dynamite!
AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament First Round Match
Bryan Danielson vs Dustin Rhodes
Bryan and Dustin exchange wrist locks and hammer locks before Dustin hits an arm drag and runs the ropes before they exchange hip tosses and have a test of strength before Bryan takes Dustin down and ties him up in knots before transitioning into a bow and arrow before Dustin gets to the ropes for the break. Bryan backs Dustin to the ropes and rocks him with strikes before sending Dustin out of the ring and hitting a suicide dive before before Dustin hits a cannonball off of the apron and tosses Bryan back inside for two before Bryan dropkicks Dustin's knee. Bryan kicks Dustin against the ropes before Dustin hits a release German into a kick to the spine before chopping Bryan in the corner and Bryan comes back with strikes and a float over suplex into a short arm scissors. Dustin catches Bryan up top before hitting a superplex for a deep two count before they exchange strikes until Bryan runs the ropes and Dustin hits a powerslam into a reverse DDT for a near fall before hitting mounted punches in the corner and Bryan hits a running dropkick in the corner. Bryan kicks and chops Dustin in the corner before setting him up top and Dustin knocks him away before hitting a diving clothesline for a near fall before Bryan locks in a LeBell lock and Dustin gets to the ropes for the break. The two then exchange strikes until they collapse before Bryan stomps Dustin and runs at Dustin before Dustin turns him inside out and hits a piledriver for a near fall before Bryan comes back with a series of kicks. Bryan then locks in a standing guillotine before Dustin collapses onto the mat and Bryan locks his legs around Dustin before the referee calls for the bell for the win.
Winner: Bryan Danielson defeats Dustin Rhodes via submission to advance to the next round of the tournament.
- We get a backstage promo by The Elite ahead of their facing Hangman Page and the Dark Order next week as we go to commercial.
- We get a video package promo by FTR and Penta and Alex Reynolds.
- We go to the ring to Tony as he interviews Sting about the current condition of Darby Allin before he's interrupted by MJF who says that Sting doesn't want to reveal that Darby isn't coming back before saying that Sting is a bad person because he's never there when his friends need him most before Sting attacks him. The Pinnacle come out and save MJF before the trio beat down Sting with a chair before MJF cuts a promo to Darby at home before The Pinnacle leave after MJF lays Sting out when he's getting back up as we go to commercial.
- We get a backstage interview with the AEW Women's World champion Britt Baker after the announcement that she'll be defending her title against Tay Conti at Full Gear next month.
TBS Women's Championship Tournament First Round Match
Penelope Ford vs Ruby Soho
Penelope throws her jacket at Ruby and beats her down before Ruby comes back with uppercuts and Penelope clubs her across the back before stomping her down in the corner and hitting a front flip shoulder tackle before missing a boot in the corner. Ruby hits Penelope in the kidney before dropping her with a question mark kick for two before Penelope sends Ruby out onto the apron and Ruby catches her in the ropes and kicks her before they exchange on the apron as Bunny comes down to ringside and distracts Ruby. Penelope then boots Ruby into the post before Penelope poses with a near unconscious Ruby and rolls her back into the ring as we go to commercial.
We come back from the break to Ruby making her comeback with a Saito before chopping Penelope and rocking her with a high knee and a kick into an enzuigiri before hitting a sliding clothesline for two before Penelope hits a cutter out of nowhere for two before Ruby gets two off of an inside cradle. Ruby hits a uranage before Penelope rocks her with a back heel kick and hits a gut buster for two before Penelope drops a foreign object the the referee pushes it out of the ring before Ruby rolls Penelope up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Ruby Soho defeats Penelope Ford via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.
- After the match Red Velvet comes out and helps Ruby clear the ring as we go to commercial.
- We go backstage to The Pinnacle where MJF talks to Wardlow about how he's assigned Shawn to keep Wardlow accountable for his actions before leaving in a hurry as we go to commercial.
Bobby Fish vs Anthony Greene
Bobby lays into Anthony with strikes before hitting a snap mare into a slingshot senton for two before kicking Anthony into the corner and driving him into another corner before kicking the inner thighs of Anthony and hitting a sliding clothesline. Bobby hits a t-bone suplex into the ropes before pinning Anthony for the win.
Winner: Bobby Fish defeats Anthony Greene via pinfall.
- After the match Bobby attacks Anthony before he's saved by CM Punk.
- We get a backstage interview with Lio Rush and Dante Martin as we go to commercial.
AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament First Round Match
Lance Archer vs Eddie Kingston
Eddie attacks Lance when he's coming out to the ring before Lance comes back and grabs someone out of the crowd and chokeslams them onto Eddie before tossing Eddie into the ring to start the match before hitting a running back elbow in the corner. Eddie then tries to lock in a choke before Lance breaks free and clotheslines Eddie before hitting a baseball slide as we go to commercial.
We come back from the break to Lance in control back in the ring before he goes for a moonsault and under rotates and lands on his head before the referee and ringside physician check on him before he gets back into the ring and Eddie rolls him up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Eddie Kingston defeats Lance Archer via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.
- We come back from the break to a in-ring promo by Top Men and Dan Lambert before they're interrupted by TNT champion Sammy Guevara before the two sides exchange words until Ethan and Scorpio come out and up to the ramp before they attack Sammy and the Inner Circle come out and chase them off.
- We get a taped promo by Jon Moxley ahead of his tournament match against 10 Wednesday as we go to commercial.
Jungle Boy vs Brandon Cutler
Jungle immediately sends Brandon out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before countering a Panama Sunrise with a back drop before striking Brandon and powerbombing him before locking in the Snare Trap for the tap and the win.
Winner: Jungle Boy defeats Brandon Cutler via submission.
- After the match Jungle gets on the mic and calls out The Elite before reapplying the Snare Trap on Brandon before Adam Cole comes out and cuts a promo on Jungle before agreeing to face him right now as Adam comes down to the ring. Jungle knocks Adam off of the apron before he turns around and the Bucks hit a double superkick before The Elite team up on Jungle and lay him out with a BTE Trigger and a Last Shot before throwing him off of the stage and through a table as we go to commercial.
- We get a video package promo by Miro.
Malakai Black vs Cody (w/ Arn Anderson)
Cody and Malakai counter each other repeatedly before they exchange strikes and Malakai goes for a knee bar before Cody turns over and stomps his way free before hitting a powerslam for two before Malakai counters a figure four and rolls out of the ring. Malakai grabs a chair out from underneath the ring before sliding it into the ring as the Nightmare Family come out and surround the ring before the referee takes the chair from Cody as we go to commercial.
We come back from the break to Cody hitting a Cross Rhodes off of the apron and through a table before Andrade comes down to the ring and Arn takes out Jose before Malakai mists Arn and PAC comes out and attacks Andrade. PAC and Andrade brawl to the back before Malakai hits an elbow into an asai before Cody hits a Cross Rhodes for a near fall before Malakai hits a diving stomp into a jumping knee and a bridging German for a near fall. Malakai then hits a Black Mass before Cody falls through the ropes and Malakai misses a moonsault, but lands on his feet before Cody hits a suicide dive and rolls Malakai back inside before hitting a cutter into a Cross Rhodes and a Tiger Driver '98 for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cody defeats Malakai Black via pinfall.