Bracket revealed.
On the latest episode of Road To AEW on TNT, All Elite Wrestling revealed the bracket for the Tag Team Title tournament. The tournament will consist of seven teams and begin on Oct. 9 in Boston.
On one side of the bracket, The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) will face Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) on the Oct. 9 episode of AEW on TNT. The bottom half of the bracket features The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr & Fenix) against A Boy And His Dinosaur (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus), who were voted into the tournament by the fans. That match takes place on the Oct. 16 episode of AEW on TNT.
The other side of the bracket features two members of SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Kazarian) against The Best Friends (Chuckie T & Beretta). That match also takes place on Oct. 16. The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) received a first-round bye in the tournament as a result of winning mini-tournament, defeating The Best Friends in the finals at AEW All Out.
The semifinals will take place on Oct. 23 while the finals of the tournament are set for the Oct. 30 episode of AEW on TNT.