AJ Francis Would Welcome Natalya And TJ Wilson Into First Class

AJ Francis offers Natalya and TJ Wilson an offer to join him and Rich Swann in First Class.

While Natalya's contract status was up in the air, AJ Francis appeared on The Angle Podcast and offered the former WWE Women's Champion and the former Tyson Kidd a spot alongside him in TNA Wrestling.

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Francis praised both Canadians and said that Nattie and TJ have been kind to him and know how hard he works. Francis even joked that he had never been in a faction with white people before.

“Nattie, TJ, come join First Class. You got a spot. You got a spot at First Class. I’m telling you that right now. Nattie and TJ are two of my biggest supporters. They’ve been nothing but nice to me. They say nothing but nice things about me. They know how talented I am, and they know that I got a raw deal, and they understand that. They respect the fact that I’m still out here busting my balls and going out and working my ass off and earning the respect that I always deserve. So yeah, Nattie, TJ, I’ve never been in a faction with white people before, but they’re Canadian, it’s like off-whites so it’ll be great."

Fightful Select recently reported that WWE has re-signed Natalya. However, with NXT's working relationship with TNA Wrestling, Francis' faction offer could hold strong despite the recent signing. Natalya still desires to work with Jordynne Grace.

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