Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro has alleged in a lawsuit that she was sexually assaulted during a WWE Tribute to the Troops tour of Kuwait, and she claims that the WWE urged her not to report it.
Massaro, who was with the company from 2005 to 2008, says she was examined by a company physician after she returned from Kuwait. She alleges that the doctor reported the incident to WWE executives, who met with her “to apologize for their negligence, but [they] persuaded her that it would be best not to report it to appropriate authorities.’’
A Highlight Video Package From The 2006 Tribute To The Troops
The allegation is one of several grievances Massaro lodged against the WWE on November 9, as she and seven other joined the class action lawsuit brought by 52 former wrestlers against the WWE. In it, the plaintiffs allege that WWE concealed the dangers of repetitive head trauma, which has left them battling neurological issues. Fightful first reported this lawsuit back in July.
Massaro says that she suffered multiple concussions, including one where she was knocked unconscious for five minutes in the ring, after which she received no medical care. Massaro says she was told to “shake it off.’’
Massaro says she has had serious behavioral changes since she left the WWE, including developing a drug addiction, which WWE did help her treat in 2010.
She says she suffers from depression, memory loss, anxiety, and migraine headaches, all of which are know to be associated with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, more commonly known as CTE. It is a disease caused by repeated severe blows to the head, and can only be diagnosed through a postmortem autopsy. Several NFL players have been diagnosed with CTE after death, including Dave Duerson, a safety on the 1985 Superbowl Champion Chicago Bears. Duerson famously committed suicide in February 2011 by shooting himself in the chest, after instructing his family via text message to donate his brain to science, so that they might study it and help others with the disease
Massaro also alleges that she suffered a hairline fracture of her spine, two herniated disks, a shattered knuckle, and a severe ankle fracture requiring a metal plate to repair, all while in the employ of the WWE. According to Massaro, while recovering from that shattered knuckle, Vince McMahon demanded that the cast be sawn off her hand so that she could perform in an event that night. The cast was not due to be removed for several more weeks.
Other new plaintiffs added to the case include Perry Saturn and the family of Balls Mahoney.
WWE is not expected to comment on the new developments in the lawsuit until they file a motion to dismiss the case.
If anything changes, we will report it here.
This story was first reported in The Boston Globe and you can read their full, in-depth story here.