Becky Lynch: Must Be Monday

Becky Lynch tweets.

Becky Lynch took to social media to simply say, "Must be Monday" with three photos of herself looking a bit down.

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"Must Be Monday" is the tagline for WWE Raw on USA Network.

Lynch became a free agent on June 1.

Fightful Select published the following report on Becky on June 1:

As of midnight June 1, Becky Lynch's WWE contract has expired and she is now a free agent for the first time in 11 years. Lynch had re-signed with the company back in 2021, and saw out her contract, and was largely wrapped up on WWE TV last week as she lost the World Title to Liv Morgan. We're told that WWE seemed aware that Lynch would look to take time off even before she won the World Title, but felt like it was a better approach for the story to have her win it. There was no concern that Becky woulnt "do business."

Those we spoke to claim there was no agreement or deal reached at the 11th hour, but that WWE has communicated their desire to continue working with Lynch. WWE and those close to Becky aren't expecting her to go anywhere else as things stand now, but are expecting major offers to come her way. Industry sources have long expected her to get the largest contract offers of any woman in wrestling history.

WWE sources that Fightful spoke to said that Lynch has been "class" to deal with and had communicated to them that she was taking time off.

Fightful will provide more details on Becky's future when they are known.

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