Demolition Ax (Bill Eadie) recently participated in a Reddit Ask Me Anything Q&A. You can check out highlights below, and the full post at this link.
Working with Ken Patera and Billy Jack Haynes:
I like Bill Jack and Ken, over the years I worked with Ken more times because he was in the Atlantic area with me as masked super star. Always impressed with his strength. No unusual behavior with any of them. Bill Jack was only in WWE for a little bit of time, in there territory pacific north west not a lot of travel. The agents would come with a stack of 35 airline tickets, he asked what is this, I said that was his itinerary, he said oh my god. You have to be accustom to that sort of travel. Day after day. A lot of territories it was short trips 100 miles, 200 miles, he wasn’t used to that.
I didn’t see Ken, after the stay in jail, I didn’t run into him many years after that, that was after a signing in the New York area. To be honest with you, last week I was doing a signing in New York. A guy walked about to me, I haven’t seen him in 40 years and it was just like I had seen him yesterday. In the fraternity of wrestling, doesn’t matter if it’s 10, 20, years, doesn’t matter it is just like I spoke to them yesterday.
What moment he would relive in his career:
Oh, boy. You know, we've often been asked who was you favorite opponent, match or town. I can honestly say if we mention 10 or 20 we’d be leaving out another 10 or 20. We were lucky, not only as Demolition, we’ve traveled around the world that people pay thousands of dollars to visit and we went free and we got paid to be there. Whether it’s the colosseum in Rome, I took my family there. Other times, I wished my family was with me. Bittersweet because you wish the people you love were with you. Tokyo, Montreal, Florida, France, hundreds of places, I think I’ve been to 72 to 75 different countries and I was paid to go to all of them. I lived the charmed life. Not only me but a lot of professional wrestlers.