Billy Corgan won't be throwing shots at WWE.
Billy Corgan has his vision of wrestling, which he's implemented through his ownership of the National Wrestling Alliance. Corgan wants physical matches with a story behind them, which he knows might not be for everyone.
Corgan recently got into a social media spat with Dave Meltzer, over ethics and match critique.
Speaking on The Kurt Angle Show, Corgan gave further comments on NWA's place in wrestling and the sport in general.
"It's not that hard. We inside the bubble can fight about all this stuff, talk about this stuff, but the general public, more people have turned off professional wrestling in the last ten years than the previous 50 combined. Dave Meltzer will probably run a stat to tell me that I'm wrong. All I'm saying is wrestling deserves to be a mainstream part of the culture. What has happened, and I believe this is at the root of the WME acquisition of WWE. They are going to bring wrestling back to the mainstream. It's not a bad thing. Little kids, who don't know anything about the smart mark stuff, need to be able to just go to a show. Let's not lose the childish innocence of sometimes seeing a good house show match between two great workers who tell a good story might be the difference of that kid becoming a lifelong wrestling fan. Here I am, 45 years later, talking about Jerry Blackwell. Something stuck with me. Let's not lose sight of that vibe in the business.
"Everybody in the business is valuable. Right now, Al Snow is getting over with OVW and 'Wrestlers' on Netflix. Great. We want more people working, we want more people getting over. If the NWA is part of that rising tide, great. That's why you won't see me cutting any promos about WWE like a lot of other people do for cheap heat. You can read the math there the way you want it. WWE has never done anything but treat me right. WWE, as a business, welcomes the NWA in the wrestling ecosystem. If WWE wanted to mess with me, you think they couldn't? Why is WWE cool with the NWA? Because we're trying to run a business the right way, we're being respectful and we understand we're the Little Engine That Could. You don't think Billy Corgan cutting a promo on Vince McMahon wouldn't get me a bunch of free clickbait? You don't see me running that business. Let's have some perspective here"
Corgan has been making headlines in the past week, first saying that NWA has signed to TV deals with a top-20 network. It was reported that NWA will land on CW, but Corgan did not confirm or deny the report.
Fans can check out the lineup for NWA Sanhaim, NWA's upcoming pay-per-view, by clicking here.
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