The Sea of Honor tournament matchups have been revealed.
At the end of October, Chris Jericho will be hosting Chris Jericho's Rock n Wrestling Rager at Sea. The cruise will feature wrestlers from both Impact Wrestling and Ring of Honor as Jericho has worked out deals with both promotions. The Ring of Honor wrestlers will be competing in the Sea of Honor tournament and last week the bracket for that tournament was revealed and can be seen below.
The cruise will include the following names in some capacity as some wrestlers are competing and others will be making appearances or doing their podcast.
Colt Cabana
Brian Cage
Kenny Omega
Young Bucks
Cody Rhodes
Ricky Steamboat
Rey Mysterio
James Ellsworth
Mick Foley
Sami Callihan appeared on the Impact Wrestling YouTube saying he would invade the cruise. Thus far, Callihan and Cage are the only Impact Wrestling roster members associated with the cruise.