Ring of Honor talent and WAGS Atlanta star Brandi Rhodes recently appeared on the WPW Weekly Podcast. You can see the full podcast above or at this link, and see highlights below:
Brandi Talks About Who Is On The Road More:
There are certain months where I’m busier now than I was before. A lot of times the difference is whether or not I’m home. I’m working 24/7 now because I’m in the driver's seat; whereas before even if I was on the road all the time, I wasn’t always working. I’ll be the first one to say. It definitely depends on the month. Some months are really crazy; April is really crazy for both of us. Cody is in Japan usually at least once a month and I’m starting to get on that schedule, which is kind of scary. I mean, I’m use to traveling overseas frequently, so it is something you get use to and you kind of get into a groove with.
Brandi Talks About Who Inspired Her:
Less on the match side but more on the side of someone who has always inspired me as a persona in wrestling all together, of course, is Sensational Sherri, she’s the best. At everything, she has ever done and I always love watching her. She wasn’t the most trained wrestler but her matches we always so entertaining and high quality she had no fear and wasn’t afraid of anything.
Brandi Talks About Filming WAGS:
It was very hard for me because I had to maintain the crazy wrestling schedule as well try to film. It was difficult for me to have any real interactions with people on the show. I missed a lot when they were filming. It funny… I missed so many things and people were saying you are missing all of these things. None of those things I missed were on the show…. A lot of the stuff for me was centred around wrestling.