Brickhouse Brown has passed on.
On July 20th it was noted on Twitter by The President and CEO of the Cauliflower Alley Club B. Brian Blair that former USWA Television Champion Brickhouse Brown passed away. One day after the announcing of Brickhouse Brown's passing, Blair noted on Twitter while responding to a Twitter users condolences that he was informed by the mother of Brickhouse, Victoria, that Brickhouse was still alive.
B. Brian Blair then took to his personal Facebook page to explain the amazing story of how Frederick "Brickhouse Brown" Seawright was still alive.
"Hello my friends!
Brick was dead but now he's alive! Let me explain:
Got a call from Reggie B. Fine (one of Brick's best friends) yesterday morning when he told me that Brick's Biological Mother, Victoria Timmons, called him in tears and said "We just lost Fredrick" (Fredrick Seawright is Brick's real name), then she asked Reggie to call me, KoKo B Ware and a couple others...about an hour later Ms. Timmons called me to say that she appreciated everything that Ya'll (being the CAC) did for Brick and was crying...neither on of us could speak very much so we ended the call, both very upset.
I get a call last night from Victoria (Ms. Timmons) and she said that Brick was alive...I said WHAT? She then told me that when Brick's eye's were rolled back in his head with his mouth open and was lifeless...the Preacher came in (Hospice facility) and that they prayed...and she refused to leave until the Coroner got there and was done...about 30 minutes later she was sitting next to him with her eyes closed...exhausted after being up most of the past three days...and all of the sudden she heard "Mama, I'm Hungry"...her and the Hospice lady could not believe it and they hurried up and got him some chipped ice, as he had not eaten for almost 3 days...they wound up giving him some liquid food...she said that was the most he had eaten in almost two weeks at one time, although it took about 30 minutes for him to eat and be full...She said it is a "Miracle from God" and I believe her.
Got a call from Reggie B. fine early this morning to tell me the same story...this is amazing and as accurate as the words that I just said...don't know what will happen from here as it is in God's hands, but it's nothing short of a miracle, as far as I am happy that I may be able to see him this Wednesday on the way to Iowa...changing my ticket back again to go through Jackson, MS.
On my way to meet some people, but will see your responses when I get back tonight.
Thank you all and God Bless,
It was confirmed today that Fredrick Seawright passed away at the age of 57-years old while having been in hospice care since July 20th. Seawright made his name as an in-ring performer during the 80's and 90's in Southern wrestling promotions where he held numerous championships. He began his career in the sport of pro wrestling in the 80's and was trained by Pro Wrestling Hall Of Famers Eddie Graham and Terry Funk. Brickhouse Brown became a staple in Memphis Wrestling territories during the late 80's clashing with the likes of Jerry "The King" Lawler and Maxx Payne.
Brickhouse Brown's funeral will take place in Florida on August 11th which is his birthday and he will be put to rest on the day that he would have turned 58-years old.