On a recent episode of his podcast, "Something To Wrestle", Bruce Prichard divulged that early in the WWF career of Triple H, he was seen as a mid-carder "at best." Both Vince McMahon and Jim Cornette shared this view of Hunter Hearst Helmsley , and only Vince Russo saw the true potential of the 14-Time World Champ.
“I do remember Corny and Vince McMahon saying that Triple H would be a mid-card guy at best early on in his career and Russo was a huge proponent of Triple H. And I dare say that without Russo at the helm at the time, Hunter probably would not have gotten the breaks that he got at the time."
Prichard said that after a while, McMahon saw the light--and Hunter's potential--and it might have been due to Triple H's dogged persistence. "Hunter was one of those guys who was always around, always asking questions, and wanting to be a part of whatever he could do to learn. I liked Hunter because I always liked his attitude, just willing to do whatever it took to learn the business, but Russo was definitely pushing Hunter and had an awful lot of ideas for him.”
You can listen to the entire podcast at this link.