Bryan Danielson: I'm Tired Of Losing Big Matches, That Won't Happen At AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door

Bryan Danielson sends a message to Shingo Takagi.

At AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, Bryan Danielson will face Shingo Takagi in a quarterfinal match in the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament. Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi, and Titan faced Wheeler Yuta, Jon Moxley, and Claudio Castagnoli on the June 26 episode of AEW Dynamite, and the match broke down into a brawl. Takagi viciously attacked Yuta, and Danielson made the save. He then stared down Takagi.

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In a digital exclusive, Bryan Danielson shared his thoughts after his confrontation with Takagi.

"I have a lot of hopes for this Owen Hart Tournament, and when I saw that it was gonna be me and Shingo in the great round, I was really excited because Shingo’s incredible. Former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, and I thought it was gonna be two guys who respect each other, going out there and then just giving everything they have because the winner of the Owen Hart Tournament goes on to main event All In, Wembley Stadium. Let’s go out there and see who’s better. Let’s go out there and see who’s the best wrestler. But then, last Friday on Rampage, I go out there, he has a really impressive win against AR Fox, Shingo does, and I go to shake his hand, and we’ve shaken hands before. He brushes right past me," Danielson said.

Danielson then said that his mindset of simply wanting to face the best wrestlers was not working for him. He noted that Takagi made it personal by attacking Yuta, someone who was like a son to him. Danielson said that he was tired of disappointing the fans, his family, and himself, and that would not happen at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door.

"Tonight, post-match, what he did to Wheeler Yuta, especially with Yuta coming off of injury, makes me lose a little bit of respect for Shingo. Now I realize this attitude that I have, this attitude that I have of, ‘Yeah, okay, I respect this guy. I wanna go out there and wrestle and I wanna see who’s better.’ You know what, quite frankly, the last year that I said was gonna be the most epic year of my career, that really hasn’t worked out for me, has it? It really hasn’t worked out for me, has it? So Shingo, you wanna take out a guy who just came back from injury, who’s part of the BCC, who I personally took under my wing? He’s like my child. He’s like my son. You want to try to take him out just to get at me? Well guess what? This Bryan Danielson who’s just going out there and happy to just compete and wants to wrestle the best wrestlers, that’s not the guy who you’re gonna see on Sunday. Shingo, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of all of it. I’m tired of your disrespect. I’m tired of you trying to hurt the people that I love. You know what else I’m tired of? I’m tired of getting in these matches, I’m tired of losing. I’m tired of disappointing my fans, of disappointing my family, disappointing myself. Sunday, Forbidden Door, that ain’t gonna happen. Shingo, you’re gonna get the worst of it," Danielson said.

Click here to catch up on our coverage of the June 26 episode of AEW Dynamite. For a full review, check out the post-show podcast on our YouTube channel.

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