Cara Noir is dealing with multiple fractures.
In a tweet, Noir revealed that, 18 days after he faced PROGRESS World Champion Spike Trivet in a Steel Cage match at PROGRESS Wrestling Chapter 151 on April 23, he finally got a diagnosis. He stated that he wrestled for 20 minutes on three fractures.
Specifically, Noir noted that he suffered an intra-articular fracture to the cuboid, a chip on the calcaneus, and a chip on the navicular. Noir also wrote that he has a "spot of traumatic arthritis on the talus and ligament damage."
18 days post cage match - I finally have a diagnosis. Turns out I wrestled for 20 min on 3 fractures. --
— Cara Noir カーラ・ノワール (@CaraNoirPW) May 10, 2023
-- intra articular fracture to the cuboid
--chip on the calcaneus
--chip on the navicular
a spot of traumatic arthritis on the talus & ligament damage.
Thanks NHS --
PROGRESS Wrestling commented on the news and wishes Noir a speedy recovery. In the statement, the company wrote that Noir's ability to power through the match with his injuries was a true testament to him, and it will never be forgotten.
-- Today the Black Swan confirmed he suffered three fractures during his brutal cage match with Spike Trivet at #Chapter151
— PROGRESS Wrestling (@ThisIs_Progress) May 10, 2023
-- Everyone at PROGRESS wishes Cara Noir a speedy recovery.
Powering through a match with such injuries is a testament to you and will never be forgotten
Noir has not wrestled since PROGRESS Chapter 151, and it is unclear how long he will be out of action.
Fightful wishes Noir well in his recovery, and we will provide more information as it becomes available.
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