Cedric not holding anything back this morning.
The current WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander has been reigning strong as the top gun on 205 Live since WrestleMania 34 in April when he defeated Mustafa Ali to become the holder of the once-vacated title. He has now had a few successful title defenses defeating the likes of Buddy Murphy, Hideo Itami and Cedric is looking to add Drew Gulak to that list because Drew is the new #1 contender to the WWE Cruiserweight Title.
This morning Cedric sent out a tweet reminding everyone that he is still reigning supreme over WWE's Crusierweight division which garnered the response from a Twitter user who noted that now is the perfect time for "The King" to return referring to the longest reigning WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville.
Alexander responded by calling Neville a "quitter" referring to the current situation that Neville is in after reportedly walking out during RAW for reasons that have yet to be officially confirmed. Neville has been laying low and has not been on social media since the news of his reported walking out made the rounds and became a big story.
Cedric then exchanged a few words with more Twitter users who responded to him:
The WWE Cruiserweight Champ has engaged in back and forths in the past but the last time it was with another member of the 205 Live roster, "The 23-Year Old Piece Of Gold" Lio Rush.