CFO$ recently explained why Sasha Banks' theme song is so great recently, going into detail about why the song "gon' push 'em all out the way."
Mike Lauri and John Alicastro have created dozens of entrance themes for WWE under the name CFO$. The duo has written and produced themes for wrestlers like Bobby Roode, Enzo Amore, and Sasha Banks. In an interview on The Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, Lauri and Alicastro discussed Banks' theme. Banks has had the same theme since her time at NXT and Alicastro explained why Banks theme has been able to stay the same while Banks' character changes.
"I think it's the juxtaposition of the two parts. The chorus is very hopeful. When you get to the other part it's a bit more on that cocky. It's very 'dude, I know I'm good,'" said Alicastro.
The beginning of Banks' theme begins with a keyboard. Alicastro said it was the origins of the songs. He created the intro of the song and they built the rest around that. Lauri shared his feeling on the intro and the song as a whole.
"The synth, even though it's cool and it's very unique to her, it doesn't pack a ton of energy right away. It's like reserved. You have to kind of get into it and it's a vibe," said Lauri.
Alicastro went on to say Banks has taken the song to "another tier" with her attitude and choreography. In the rest of the interview, CFO$ discussed their other favorite themes they have written and the creative space Triple H provides them. The video of the interview is below.
A video of the interview is available at Sam Roberts' YouTube Channel.