CM Punk subtweets Colt Cabana.
CM Punk has been in the headlines this weekend as a man believed to be the former WWE Champion showed up at a MKE event under a mask, doing a run-in and hitting the GTS before leaving. Prior to his cameo at the show, Punk had been in the headlines for other reasons, including his ongoing lawsuit with his former friend Colt Cabana. Cabana filed a lawsuit in August 2018 against Punk, suing him for $200,000 in damages and an additional $1 million in punitive damages.
With Punk back in the news for doing something involved with wrestling, comedian Ron Funches mentioned wanting to have Punk on his podcast. Punk said he would consider it, on one condition.
Promise not to sue me for being a good friend (then sign a legally binding agreement that you’re not a greedy steaming pile of ungrateful snake shit) and I’ll consider it.
— Coach (@CMPunk) April 23, 2019
Previously, Punk wasn't too keen on doing another podcast.
So more lying snakes and unethical fugazis can sue me for telling the truth? Hard pass. ----
— Coach (@CMPunk) April 19, 2019
Punk did score a win over Cabana in their ongoing lawsuit as one count in the suit was dismissed earlier this month. There will be a case management conference on May 21 at 9:30 a.m.