The war of Twitter words between WWE SmackDown Live general manager Daniel Bryan and Ring of Honor World Champion Cody Rhodes doesn’t appear to be heading towards a peaceful ending anytime soon.
At Saturday night’s Death Before Dishonor event, Rhodes mocked Bryan with the latter’s signature “YES!” taunts and the YES! Lock
Bryan responded to Cody’s form of flattery on Monday.
Either Bryan is threatening to put Cody in the official version of the YES! Lock or he’s claiming that he’ll make Minoru Suzuki tap out for real. Either way, Bryan’s desire to return to the ring remains clear.
The online feud between former Intercontinental champions started back in June, when Bryan congratulated Cody on winning the ROH World Title before warning him that if he’s still champion on Sept. 28, 2018, he would be coming for the belt.
Since then, Rhodes has consistently taunted Bryan during ROH events with “YES!” chants.
While the two continue to tease a potential match, the chances of them trading blows in the ring remain low for now. Bryan’s WWE contract doesn’t end until Summer 2018, at which point WWE will likely do everything in their power to ensure he remains with the company and doesn’t wrestle elsewhere. If Bryan is able to leave WWE, we know ROH would welcome him back in a heartbeat.
Plus, while Rhodes just recently began making pointed attacks at Bryan, current WWE Intercontinental champion The Miz has been mocking his former boss for over a year. Before Bryan teaches proper YES! Lock technique to Rhodes, he may need to shake off some rust against The Miz.