The lineup is set for Tuesday's AEW Dark.
AEW announced the following matches for the August 23 episode of AEW Dark.
AEW Dark (8/23)
- Anthony Ogogo vs. Meto
- Blake Christian vs. Lucky Ali
- Daniel Garcia vs. Westin Blake
- Dante Martin & Matt Sydal vs. Aaron Solo & Nick Comoroto
- Jora Johl vs. Vary Morales
- Iron Savages vs. Sean Maluta & Manny Lo
- John Silver, Alex Reynolds, & 10 vs. Joey Sweets, DK Vandu, & Tyshaun Perez
- KiLynn King vs. Mafiosa
- Max Caster vs. Justin Cotto
- Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth vs. Adrian Alanis & Liam Gray
- Robyn & Charlette Renegade vs. Rocky Radley & Allie Recks
- Tony Nese & Josh Woods vs. GKM & Oliver Sawyer
- The Trustbusters (Ari Daivari, Slim J, Parker Boudreaux) vs. Ryan Howe, Omar Amir, & Cash Flo
- The Workhorsemen vs. Rosario Grillo & Dean Alexander
Watch #AEWDark TONIGHT at 7/6c on
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 23, 2022
-@TonyNese+@WoodsIsTheGoods v #GKM+@TheOIiverSawyer
-#Trustbusters @AriyaDaivari+@TheParkerB_+@tadpoleslimj v @HowetoRockit+#OmarAmir+@cashflowrestling
-#Workhorsemen @RealJDDrake+@antnyhenry v @rgrilloTSF+@DeanAlexanderNF
Watch a brand new #AEWDark TONIGHT at 7/6c on!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 23, 2022
-@KiLynnKing v @MafiosaRossi
-@PlatinumMax v #JustinCotto
-@PAvalon+@Ryrynemnem v @AdrianAlanis76+@heyliamgray
-@Renegade_Twins v @RockyRadley+@AllieRecks
Presented by
#AEWDark TONIGHT at 7/6c
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 23, 2022
-#DarkOrder @silvernumber1+@YTAlexReynolds+@pres10Vance v #TyshaunPerez+@dkvandu1+@joey_silver
-#IronSavages @bearbronsonBC+@bear_boulder v @savatekick+@Soflymanny03
-@JoraJohl v @VaryMorales7
Presented by
A massive episode of #AEWDark is set for TONIGHT at 7/6c on!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 23, 2022
-@AnthonyOgogo v #Meto
-@_BlakeChristian v @LuckyWrestling
-@GarciaWrestling v @TheWestinBlake
-@lucha_angel1+@MattSydal v @AaronSoloAEW+@Mr_Freakbeast
Presented by
Fightful will have the stream and results for AEW Dark beginning at 7 p.m. ET on August 23.