Eric Bischoff has his own thoughts on Raw's popularity and longevity.
Talking to the Pancakes and Powerslams podcast, Eric Bischoff talked about the current state of Raw. He's impressed by it, but at the same time is clear that it doesn't suit his tastes 100 percent of the time. But he says that's okay, because the goal of a product is to put it out there for the masses, not particularly for yourself. He thinks the McMahons see their booking this way too, hence why the show is so popular:
I don't know this to be a fact, but I would venture to bet – that not everything we see in WWE necessarily suits the taste of Vince McMahon or Stephanie McMahon or Triple H 100 percent of the time. Because they're not programming for themselves, they're programming for the masses. And when you program for the masses and the broadest possible audience you can, sometimes you have to do things that [don't] necessarily suit your own particular taste.
He also talked about Raw celebrating 25 years. He's impressed that a show has lasted this long on the USA Network. Given their dominance in the cable television market, one has to be impressed:
So, while I'm super impressed with the WWE, because, for no other reason, they have been able to adapt and evolve to the taste of the audience, and maintain the powerful position. Not only in the United States, but on the USA Network, they're about to celebrate 25 years of being one of the leading programs in all of cable television. Anybody in television would covet the opportunity to be able to make that statement. But not only are they preparing to celebrate 25 years of dominance in cable television here in the United States, their content is seen in over 180 countries around the world. So how could anybody be anything other than impressed with what we see in WWE.
Bischoff will be part of the Raw 25 celebration this Monday on the USA Network.