Eve Torres opens up about her recent surgery.
In a post on Instagram, former WWE star Eve Torres Gracie revealed that she has been dealing with health issues for over the past decade, including psoriasis, disruptive gut and digestive issues, brain fog, and anxiety. She noted that she got breast implants in 2009, during her time with WWE, and she later heard about Breast Implant Illness.
Torres then wrote that she finally started getting testing done in 2020 in order to find the cause, and she recently had explant surgery, and she is in recovery.
The post is as follows:
As a former gymnast, engineering graduate, and professional wrestler, I have spent nearly all my life intentionally rejecting signals from my body. If I just pushed through the pain, or worked a little harder, the next big Thant would be on the other side for me. If I rested, I would lose to those who weren’t resting.
As I transitioned into motherhood with executive level responsibilities in our family business, this pattern of thought and behavior continued, only with seemingly higher stakes.
I have now had over a decade of unexplained health issues ranging from psoriasis, to disruptive gut and digestive issues to brain fog and anxiety. In 2020, I finally started to get testing done to get to the root of these concerns. While it was clear they were all symptoms indicating auto-immunize issues, and I worked through several protocols to identity and address the issues, I did not get to any concrete answers or solutions.
I had heard about Breast Implant Illness, and everything inside of me wanted to reject the possibility of this as a potential contributor to my health issues. I got my breast implants in 2009 when I was in WWE during a time where I was comparing my body to all the women around me, and I knew this was the only way to attempt to attain the ideal Victoria Secret model body I grew up admiring.
It wasn’t until Rener brought it up to me in a conversation last year, a conversation that started with deep, internal resistance. But as we talked more and more about the value of our health, and his declaration that while he knew this would ultimately be my decision, he wanted me to know that he supported an explant surgery 100% if it meant a longer, healthier future together.
I started to sob. I cried for the difficult choices that women have to make for their bodies. I felt rage at the lack of research that goes into women’s health issues. I wept with the reality that there was truly only one way to know if this was the make-it-or-break-it factor in my health finally improving, but more than anything, I sobbed at the possibility that I was lovable even if I didn’t fit the standard of beauty that I was brought up to value. After months of research and consultation, I ultimately decided that knowing, and the possibility of getting better, was worth this sacrifice.
Upon scheduling my surgery, I did all I could to make my body as strong and healthy as possible to prepare. I am a week post-surgery writing this, and I will have my drains and sutures removed today. While I am uncomfortable, in some pain, and restless, I am optimistic to start this healing journey after eliminating (2) major internal battles. I know there are more to conquer, and I feel stronger than ever to take those on.
I want to state that there are many women who do not experience any complications with their implants. I am, however, grateful to the brave women and doctors who began to share their experience with their illness, and those who are researching this condition to ensure that women are making informed decisions when it comes to what they do with their bodies.
I am grateful to everyone who has poured into me during this process, reached out, sent well-wishes, and shared their healing tips. I’m grateful to @gracieuniversityhq team keeping things thriving while Rener and I are both out, and I’m grateful for my husband. Not just for holding down the home fort while I recover, but for helping me feel loved through this process.
I want my mind to be sharp again. I want to feel strong again. I want to experience a freedom with food without fearing the worst. I want to be here as long as I can to enjoy my children. I want myself back. I look in the mirror at my body and even though I don’t recognize her yet, I am ready to get to know her again.
It is one of the hardest things in our society to stop looking outward and start looking inward. For everyone on this rollercoaster of a journey, I’m here with you.
*NOTE: While I am happy to share my experience with others, and answer questions I am capable of answering, I am NOT an expert in this arena. If you have questions, there are many great resources that can guide you to the explant specific surgeons for consultation, and help you start to ask the right questions. @truth_about_breast_implants or healingbreastimplantillness.com is a good start. **
Torres is a three-time WWE Divas Champion, and she last wrestled in 2013.
Fightful sends its best wishes to Eve as she recovers from her surgery.
Torres was previously featured on an edition of Where Are They Now. Check it out here.
Torres is a playable DLC character in WWE 2K23. More information is available here.