Fightful has reported of some contract updates within AEW & ROH, but we've also learned of some that aren't under contract.
Fightful inquired about the contractual status of Alex Zayne, who appeared on both Ring Of Honor shows under the Tony Khan regime. We've learned that he's not under any agreement with AEW/ROH and is currently a free agent.
We've also learned of talent used since the ROH acquisition that aren't currently signed by All Elite wrestling. The former Cheesburger, CB, has worked both of the Ring Of Honor dates since Tony Khan bought the company, but we've learned he's a free agent.
In addition, we've asked about the contract status of ROH commentator Ian Riccaboni. We're told he's currently on a previous Ring of Honor contract, and hopes to remain with Ring of Honor as a brand as long as possible. He's remained under contract since the sale, and is also booked for New Japan Strong shows through the end of the year.
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