Ready or not, here comes Vincent Kennedy McMahon!
Big Damo, unfortunately, cannot say that he ever saw Vince McMahon try to wrestle anybody but he did see something, perhaps, more bizarre and out of character. He saw Vince McMahon playing hide-and-seek with a former member of SAnitY.
Vince McMahon, even at the age of 76, still loves physical confrontation. He told Pat McAfee as much back on March 3, 2022, when he visited the Pat McAfee Show. However, there is also a jovial side to Vince McMahon that apparently enjoys a good game of hide-and-seek.
Speaking with Sean Ross Sapp, Big Damo, previously known as Killian Dain in WWE, revealed that he once saw Vince McMahon playing hide-and-seek with his former SAnitY partner, Alexander Wolfe.
"Thankfully, no,” said Damo, when asked if he had ever seen Vince McMahon try to wrestle anybody backstage. “But I did see one day, he played hide-and-seek with Alexander Wolfe. It was one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen. ‘Cause he can be very affable. He can affable, he can be very funny. I never saw him be physical, but there was one time—don’t get me wrong, this is hilarious because I was 330 pounds at this point—and I shake his hand and he pulls me in to tell me something. I can’t even remember what he said, but he pulls me in, I was like, ‘This guy literally just pulled me over.’ I was thinking to myself, ‘If I pull back, I’d probably pull his arm off.’ But I was not expecting his strength at the time. Sadly I never saw him wrestle anybody. Hopefully, that would have been better than the stunner the other day.”
Reflecting on the final Stunner from Stone Cold Steve Austin to Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 38, Damo took a “silence speaks volumes” approach in regards to the quality of the move, but did remark that Vince McMahon is still in great physical condition.
“I think the less that’s said, the better. I think the video speaks for itself. His biceps still looked amazing, though,” he said.
Turning the conversation back to the game of hide-and-seek, Damo revealed that he actually walked away before he could see who won because the circumstance was just so peculiar.
“Honestly, I had to walk away. I thought it was the most bizarre thing I’d ever seen,” Damo concluded.
There will be no playground games when Damo faces Tomohiro Ishii at NJPW STRONG: Mutiny on April 10, 2022, from the Vermont Hollywood in California. We will have full results of the event when it concludes.