CM Punk and WWE working together has seemed out of the realm of possibility for years, but people close to him say the idea was on the table from his end.
After the Brawl Out situation, Punk was on the sidelines following surgery to repair an injury he sustained at All Out 2022. During that time, things were still contentious with AEW and Punk, though he was in contact with AEW founder Tony Khan.
Those close to Punk claim that around December 2022, Punk was open to leaving AEW, and even encouraged the idea so he could make a WWE return. Specifically, we’ve heard that he wanted to appear at the 2023 Royal Rumble. However, we’ve not heard and traction to WWE having interest in such a thing, or that AEW were actually entertaining the idea of giving Punk his release at that point.
One of the rumored ideas that Punk had – not confirmed with he or his camp – actually made its way back to some WWE talent. The idea was that Punk would return at the 2023 WWE Royal Rumble, and work match at WWE WrestleMania against the person who would eventually eliminate him. Word within WWE was that Kevin Owens was the name thrown around. He’d go on to main event night one of WrestleMania.
There was one source who indicated Owens was not a part of the pitch, but that name did make it back to several in the locker room.
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