Matt Cardona is Alwayz Ready, and sort of All Elite.
Matt Cardona appeared as a surprise opponent for Adam Copeland in the Cope Open on AEW Collision. We’re told that as of now, Cardona remains a free agent, and has not signed with All Elite Wrestling.
The deal to have Cardona make his appearance came together this week we’re told. He was originally scheduled to face Ultimo Dragon at Squared Circle Expo, defending his championship on Saturday. However the booking came, and instead the plan was altered to have Cardona drop the Squared Circle Expo Championship Friday night on Black Label Pro (on a show main evented by Sean Ross Sapp and Steve Kaye, notably). Then Cardona traveled to Canada to make the date.
Cardona told us recently that there hadn’t been much of a relationship or interaction with All Elite Wrestling since his initial appearances years ago. Those we've spoken to said that Cardona was very distinct in that he did not want to become their Dark/Elevation guy.
Those we spoke to in AEW were happy with the performance an the reception.
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