An MLW angle devolved into what was almost an all out fight.
Wrestling Observer reported the news that LA Park (WCW's La Parka) and his sons were all fired by MLW on April 1 following them getting outright irresponsible during an angle. We're told that during a post-match angle, LA Park and family attacked Jacob Fatu in what was a planned angle. However, real punches were thrown by Park, El Hijo Del LA Park and LA Park Jr, followed by a dangerous chair shot. Alex Hammerstone was said to have recognized this and went over to try to help, getting cracked with a chair in the process.
We're told that backstage Hammerstone was ready to fight all three, with the two sons angling off the 56 year old Park. Davey Richards, who is an ER doctor, tended to those who needed it, which we're told was invaluable to the situation. Those in the MLW locker room and on the staff tell us that Hammerstone and Fatu handled it about as well as possible given the circumstances, and that the Park family were lucky to not have it pursued that far. We'
Nobody has been able to conjure up a motive for the attack, besides that maybe LA Park was teaching his sons to be intimidators and that he's long felt slighted for how he was portrayed in WCW, and often looks to protect himself on U.S. shows. We've heard from at least one other talent who said Park tried to shoot on them years ago, but we've heard of no other issues between Park and MLW until March 31. After sleeping on it, Court Bauer fired the entire family. LA Park was said to have been apologetic during that conversation, but told people in Mexico that it devolved because he couldn't speak good English.
Hammerstone tells us that there were some people out of place and tried to help out in a pro wrestling manner to protect the angle, while making sense of everything. He says that the back of his head was split open with an unexpected chairshot to the head from one of the sons, which is what he had a problem with. Fatu was still confused coming through the curtain, and Hammerstone says that LA Park & co pled ignorance as to what they were supposed to be doing.
Hammerstone also says that Jacob Fatu was sent to the hospital to undergo concussion protocol. He stated that he didn't ask for the trio to be fired, but isn't sad they're gone after throwing a potentially career threatening unexpected chairshot to the head.
Fightful has also learned this situation is likely to cost Los Parks bookings elsewhere.
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