Details Behind Recent Burning Heart Tour

Recently, Burning Heart, The Grizzled Young Veterans’ promotion, toured the UK for shows in Liverpool, Wolverhampton and Swansea that also featured the likes of Leon Slater, Luke Jacobs, Joe Hendry, Lykos Gym and many more top stars of the UK scene. Fightful Select’s Corey Brennan has learned the following details about the debut tour for Burning Heart.

- We are told Sam Gradwell was fine after being thrown from a ledge by Ricky Shane Page on the first night in Liverpool and wrestled again the next night in Wolverhampton without issues.

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- Several talents we spoke to were blown away by the quality of the shows considering they were Burning Heart’s debut. One source noted that the promotion “knocked it out of the park,” while another noted that the promotion is “exactly what the UK scene needs.”

- Those we spoke to tell us that everything was taped during the tour, but we haven’t learned how the shows will be aired or when. Several talent praised the production on the tour.

- One source noted that the promotion has already begun to form its own identity, while another expressed their admiration for the promotion's attempts to try something new.

- Those we spoke to would be surprised if the promotion did not have plans for future shows.

- We are told that the Liverpool Olympia were accommodating as a host venue, despite multiple intricate spots taking place on the opening night, including Leon Slater’s dive in the crowd.

- Zack Gibson and James Drake were praised by several we spoke to as easy to work with and incredibly supportive as promoters.

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