Eric Bischoff reminisces on various wrestling photos.
Fightful has started to roll out a new segment in interviews titled 'Look At This Photograph', allowing wrestlers and various personalities to reflect on historic photos.
In his recent interview with Fightful, Eric Bischoff was a part of this segment, as he was first asked to talk about this photo of the nWo.
"I mean, memories in general, sure. That was clearly almost immediately after the famous Montreal Screw Job because you saw Rick Rude in the ring with us in his suit and tie. So it might've been the same night. Not sure, could have been Rude's first night and it was probably a photographer, perhaps in WCW, but likely outside of the company said, ‘Hey, let's get you on the ring together,’ just a spontaneous moment."
Then, Bischoff was asked to talk about this photo of his head getting shaved.
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was for after shows and we raised a bunch of money for St. Jude. Uh, I think we raised like $15,000. But you notice, you know, my ego is such that I had to grow a beard out if my head was going to be shaved cause people had to know there was still some testosterone flowing through my veins."
Bischoff then chatted about this photo of himself and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin in WWE.
'It was such a fun time for me in terms of performing in a storyline without question, working with Steve Austin during that whole co-GM run and leading up to a match at No Way Out. That was the absolute most fun I've ever had on a week to week basis in the wrestling industry. ‘Cause you never knew what was gonna happen. We had a general idea because people would give us scripts, but Steve Austin at the time was one of the few people that would go, ‘Oh, thanks for the script... Alright, here's what we're going to do.’ It was all improv.' The guys who were best at improv, for me, I should say, were number one, Steve Austin. Right there with him, Mick Foley. These are guys you could get in the ring with, with no script, have a general idea of what you should accomplish because you know where you're going in the next big match or pay per view or whatever the case may be and you could just go out there and wing it and it would be gold. You were spinning gold out there and you had no idea what you were going to say when you got into the rig. You're just feeding off each other, which is, that's real acting. When you're reacting to something you didn't expect and you're doing it in a controlled manner that advances your character story—that's real acting. I'm not an actor. I've never taken acting lessons, but I know some people that have. When you have somebody like Steve Austin or Mick Foley, where you could just go out there and gunsling it and still tell a great story, it is the most rewarding experience."
To finish off the segment, Bischoff was asked to talk about this photo and his reign as the WCW Hardcore Champion.
"Yeah and did you see that mullet? I had like a half assed mullet going on. What a goofy look. [The idea for me to be WCW Hardcore Champion was] an embarrassing one. That was Russo's idea. It wasn't my idea. I went along with it. So I'm just as guilty, if not more so, because I could have said no, but I didn't. Look, I'm grateful that I actually got to get in the ring and have a quote unquote match with Terry Funk. I don't know if I'd call it a match, but technically speaking, it was a match. But just to have that experience with a guy like Terry Funk. The time we spent going into the match before we ever got to the ring, the time we had after the match was over, a subsequent short road trip we had together in the back of the limo after that at least gave me the opportunity to say that I got to know Terry Flunk a little bit and I'm grateful for that."
Elsewhere in the interview, Bischoff talked about the success of WCW/nWo Revenge. Check out his full comments on the matter by clicking here.
Fans can check out Fightful's full interview with Bischoff in the video linked at the top of this article.