Just a few months into her run on Impact Wrestling, standout knockout Kiera Hogan is already facing the end of her contract.
Ahead of her match with Ivelisse on May 19 at Ladies Night Out II on TitleMatchWrestling.com, Hogan spoke to Fightful.com about her time with Impact Wrestling, and how she ended up there. For Hogan, the recruitment process into Impact Wrestling was one that saw her talk to representatives of the TNA iteration, Global Force Wrestling management, and the current management of Impact as well.
"Sonjay Dutt was trying to get in touch with me a couple of months before I got signed. Jeremy Borash got in contact with me after a SHINE show, and asked me if I was doing the Mae Young Classic. I said no, and he said 'I'd like to get your contact information for an upcoming tryout,' A couple of months later I got in contact with Scott D'Amore, who asked if I wanted to sign a contract. I was signed in June of last year," said Hogan.
Even though she's only appeared during two sets of tapings for Impact Wrestling, Hogan's already filmed well over ten matches that air between January and June. Hogan discussed some of the hurdles she faced physically with Impact's tight taping schedule, but said that it's another day at the office for her.
"It's definitely not without effort. I was definitely trying to stay focused and not worry about how tired I was or how much pain I was in. This is what I signed up to do. I wouldn't want to do anything but that, and wrestle every single day. It's still crazy to me that I'm with Impact Wrestling. I watched Impact Wrestling when I was a kid would have never imagined being a knockout. I would love to do it even more if they ask me to," Hogan told us.
Speaking of June, Hogan let us know that her Impact Wrestling deal was expiring in June, but made no secret that she would like to remain a member of their roster.
"I am fully contracted to Impact, I'm set in stone," said Hogan. "I signed in June of last year and I signed for a year, so my clock is ticking. I do really want to re-sign. I love it there, I love the production, I love everyone in the back. I think it's going to get bigger from here. I think the little hiccup they had is coming to an end and we're going to have big things this year. I'm really excited to be a part of this company. I'm going to be there for June 1 and 2 in WIndsor, and I think I'm going to be there in July, but I don't know yet."
If you wondered where Hogan was during the first half of her deal with Impact, you aren't alone. Although she mentioned she was signed last June, she didn't appear until January of 2018. For Hogan, it was all about getting the right timing.
"I'm not really sure. I was just kind of going with the flow after I signed. I did get asked to do tapings, but the timing was just off. I think they were waiting for timing, and I completely understand. It's about giving the best first impression. I think the timing of me starting was right, and Su Yung was right behind me," said Hogan.
Kiera appears courtesy of TitleMatchWrestlingNetwork.com, where you can stream Ladies Night Out II on May 19 from Texas City at the World Gym Arena! You can see our full interview with Hogan above.